Friday, November 28, 2008

i want to get away

she sits on the floor of her bedroom
tea in one hand, ipod in the other
in front of her mirror
the chair is just a foot away
but she wants to watch herself think
as she feels chamomile and eucalyptus flood her soul with scent
and the strains of acoustic guitar flood her mind with ideas
about the coral reefs of yonder
the exotic, distant lands awaiting her arrival
of the endless sky beyond the reach of humanity's structures
and she yearns to escape the bonds of the four walls holding her in
stifling her every thought
while this transpires, she watches her face change from an expression of utter contentment
to that of extreme longing for spontaneity
where is the joy?
the great perhaps?
certainly not here
but certainly somewhere else

Thursday, November 27, 2008

this thanksgiving

i've really come to appreciate what i have and thank God for all the blessings He has given me. this year as a whole has really strengthened my faith. without prayer, i honestly don't know how i would have gotten through it in one piece. i've prayed every day for a lot of it. as it draws to a close, i can't help but realize that although i have my trials and tribulations, there are some 6 billion other people in the world whose problems make mine seem miniscule. people are dying of hunger because they can't get a simple piece of bread. people are being killed for no reason at all. people are being given unequal opportunities simply because of who they are. people in this country are losing their jobs in this economic recession right before the holidays. and on this thanksgiving more than any other that i've had the opportunity to experience, i've truly come to realize the importance of being thankful. and i'm thankful for today and all the comes with it.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

um woah

i just got my first college acceptance letter
i got a $60,000 scholarship to college

Saturday, November 15, 2008

oh me, oh my!

i strongly suggest you go buy taylor swift's new album
girls can relate to it and guys can learn from it
trannies can do a little of both i guess
i went there

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


sup home row
today was pretty okay
i'm getting my hair cut soon
possibly like demi lovato?

Sunday, November 9, 2008

extra! extra!

i need to stop falling in love with my radio
melody, harmony, rhythm
it can't give me anything more than 3 minutes of its time
and breaks my heart on a regular basis
but i always return
to listen to the words that flow out of it
even if it doesn't know i exist
the sweet little lines that draw me in
and i fall in love all the same


Wednesday, November 5, 2008

iz time for business. iz business time.

2 minutes in heaven is better than 1 minute in heaven
not gonna lie
jermaine is quite attractive

Monday, November 3, 2008

my light is electric

i'm really really really excited.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

get money; stay true

i am ridiculously uninspired
and none of my words are rhyming
which is most deff not condusive to sonnet writing
get into it
i'm just tired i guess
and i have a headache
last week sucked
well, halloween was all right
but everything else sucked

Saturday, November 1, 2008


i wish i were someone else.
i'd like to get off this train because i'm almost positive it's heading towards a letdown.
i'm getting tired of this.
just so, so tired.
feeling inadequate.
feeling unfulfilled.
feeling like a failure.
why are you disappointed in me?
it was never that way before.
what's happening to me?
i wish i wasn't so good at hiding my emotions.
because they just well up inside of me
and come out all at once on days like today.

hormones suck.