Sunday, December 28, 2008

psycho killer

run away

i adore the holidays
i've eaten so much delicious food
and i've done so many fun things
they have left me quite exhausted
like i feel completely drained of energy atm
i got so many cool things for christmas
like rock band 2 and apples to apples and marc jacobs daisy perfume
okay apples to apples could quite possibly be the best game ever
you start playing and you can't stop
like we pretty much played up 2 entire red decks today at our holiday party
today's holiday party was fun
except i made this apple pie and lazily decided not to peel the apples beforehand
and it didn't come out right
i was so angered

current obsession: kiss - prince
you don't have you be beautiful to turn me on.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Sunday, December 21, 2008

i'm so bored

i don't know what to do with myself at the moment
that's what she said
that's what she said jokes are funnier when you have someone to that's what she said with
today was fun
i went to the mall
and i bought a new red dress and a sweet scarf for myself
and i wandered around the mall aimlessly
and now, i'm sitting here on my ass eating some xtra (not extra. xtra.) cheddar flavor blasted goldfish wondering what i can do to make myself less bored
i think i'll go watch some tlc
hopefully it won't be that wacky show about the couple with 17 kids and counting
they scare me

Saturday, December 20, 2008

on a great big sled

i wanna wish you merry christmas
ho ho ho

it's 8:48 a.m.
and i am officially on christmas break
this past week was like a tunnel full of zombies i had to kill
like, i could see the light at the end
but there were a bunch of friggin zombies blocking my path to the light
research paper, timeline, marine science powerpoint, gov quiz
and my research paper was the biggest and baddest of all the zombies
but they are all defeated now
and i'm basking in the light
now all i have to worry about is which christmas song i'll play next
which will not be "last christmas" by george michael
that song epically fails
words can't express just how much i despise that song
i'm thinkin a little "feed the world" by band aid might be nice

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

come josephine in my flying machine

i'm flying, jack
i don't think i've ever not cried while watching titanic
it's definitely in my top ten

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Thursday, December 4, 2008

yours was the first face that i saw

i think i was blind before i met you