Wednesday, March 11, 2009

tonsilitis and slumdog.

i'm sick. again. why, immune system? why must you torment me with your inability to defeat the invaders that plague my system? right now, the only way i feel normal is if i take ibuprofen. i'm coming down from my last dose at the moment and i'm starting to feel the crappiness. it's run-through week and next week is tech week. fml.

on a lighter note, i saw slumdog millionaire. finally. and i loved it, of course. you'd have to be heartless to hate it. the soundtrack is one of the most amazing albums ever. period. i've been listening to it nonstop. i've decided that when i grow up, i want to be exactly like m.i.a. because she makes amazing beats and music. i love paper planes and the little ditty she does on o saya. i bought a couple of her other albums as well. she's such a creative force.

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