Tuesday, May 26, 2009

tooth sensitivity and graduation.

my back teeth hurt like the dickens and i don't know why/what i did to deserve this. today i was trying to eat a chicken fajita buritto bowl from chipotle and it was literally painful. i winced everytime i took a bite. i'm really bummed that my chipotle experience wasn't as riveting as usual. i hope i don't have to get a scary dental procedure done. if there's one thing i hate in this world, it's scary dental procedures. and the way the dentist office smells. ick. so minty and nauseating.

i've been watching a lot of gilmore girls lately. the rory goes to college episodes. they're getting me excited. and yes, i know that my college experience will more than likely not resemble hers seeing as she attends yale and i'll be attending a division 1 public university. but it's okay. i'm ready to deal with the disappointment while still maintaining hope.

in other news, i'm graduating tomorrow. gadzooks. 

Monday, May 25, 2009

paper chase.

Please stand by, we've come so far
Four years, we survived the ride that turned us inside out
Repeat after me, just scream and shout
"It was the best of times from broken homes and battle scars
to where we are."

Roll it out, it's over now
We're the cast-outs with messed up friends who never did fit in
Don't care where it ends
It doesn't matter now,
As long as we're one, we'll take the next bus
Destination: Setting sun;

Graduate, paper chase,
We'll get out of this place
Don't turn around
Hit the highway, pour some liquor out for this town
Now thats all for us, its last call drink up.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


she's laura t:
a product of her only child, lutheran upbringing.
she's off to take on the world.
a pale, dark haired, awkwardly tall girl
armed with her myriad cardigans and witty comments.
oh, but the world is big and bright,
blinding and overwhelming.
will she falter?
will the sea of humanity around her drown her
until she's only a nice memory?
someone pleasant to bring, only occasionally, into thought?
will the faces she's grown accustomed to fall by the wayside?
only time will tell.

she's laura t and things are about to change.

Friday, May 8, 2009

i've got to be free.

i love that moment in this song where it starts building up to the upbeat section. i've always loved this song.

Sunday, May 3, 2009


i've returned from the sunny, warm beach. i'm back to my dreary world of ap exams and bleak, cloudy rain. blah. tomorrow i'm taking my ap government exam and i'm not quite sure how well i'm going to do. i've studied a little bit, but i almost feel like i had a knowledge of everything to begin with. but then, if i don't study anymore and end up messing everything up, i'll be beating myself up about it because that's what i tend to do in situations like this. i feel like michael jackson is going to pop out singing that song "you can't win" from the wiz anytime now.
(for all 2 of you who care, here's the song i'm talking about. which i just youtubed to procrastinate even further.

the beach was so ridiculously fun. i feel like i'm most myself when i'm on vacation lying on the beach somewhere. i just listen to my ipod, eat sammiches (yes sammiches), and feel my anglo skin being burnt to a delicate crisp. ah, delight. our motel was a little bit on the sketch side, though. it's one of those places that you can't help but feel like you're really dirty in. ew. i think i have some sort of howard hughes ocd problem now. q-u-a-r-a-n-t-i-n-e. way of the future. way of the future. show me the blueprints.

this was a crazy post. i'll be back.