Friday, July 23, 2010

because erin did it.

Don't tell me lies, so where's your girl/guy?
somewhere out there for me to find.

What was your last thought before you went to bed last night?
shit if i know.

Would you ever get a tattoo?

Are you satisfied with what you currently have in life?
it depends on when you ask. sometimes, i'd say i'm very much content. other times, though, i'd say there are things i'm not too satisfied with.

Do you like taking walks?
long walks on the beach? yes. get at me.

Could you go the rest of your life without doing any drugs?

Do you miss anyone in your life?
well isn't that the understatement of the year.

Have you ever kissed the last person you texted?
she wishes.

Do you get drunk every weekend?

Are you shy or outgoing?
depends on the sitch.

How old is the last person you kissed?

Are caterpillars more cute or disgusting?
it depends on which kind we're talking here.

Are you one of those people who constantly check the time?
not really.

Do you ever get motion sickness?
on long car rides whilst reading.

Are you happier now than you were last year?
in some ways.

Would you rather be a blonde or a brunette?
a brunette. what i am now.

Are you a fan of Will Smith?
he's the man.

Do you frequently take naps?
i love naps!

What's the closest liquid object to you?
a diet pepsi.

Have you ever gotten a crazy color dyed into your hair?
no. my hair is yet to be profaned by dye.

Would you ever paint your room walls black?
no. i like them blue, thanks.

Could you go the rest of your life without smoking a cigarette?

When is the next time you'll wash your hair?
tomorrow morning.

In the past 72 hours have you been under the influence of alcohol?

If someone liked you right now, would you want them to tell you?
it depends on who it is.

Why did you take the last pill you took?
motrin. just now.

Do you smile alot?

Anyone you were good friends with, that you no longer get along with?

Where is your biological father right now?
downstairs chillin.

Someone knocks on your window at 2 am, who do you want it to be?
it better be leonardo dicaprio. no one else should dare to disturb my slumber.

What do you want right now?
you. and like a milky way bar.

What's the last thing you put in your mouth?

Most memorable thing that's happened to you so far this summer?
june 21st.

The last person you kissed, do they love you?
entire essays could be written answering this question. like, this should be a question on an AP test.

Do you know what your name would have been if you were opposite sex?
andrew. creative.

Do you have any twins in your family?
i think so. like distant relatives.

Have you ever talked on the phone in the shower/ bathtub?
in the bathtub hahaha.

Do you just want to yell in someone's face right now?
not really.

Was today a good day?
i enjoyed it.

Has this week been a good one?
it has.

What were you doing at midnight last night?

Did anything "cute" happen today?

Have you ever kissed a blonde haired, blue eyed person?
no. i'm not a nazi.

Have you ever gotten burnt by a cigarette?

Would you lie to the police if it would save your best friend's life?

Last reason you cried?
the same reason i've been crying for a month.

What were you doing at 8:00 this morning?

What were you doing at 4am?

Can you honestly say that things are running smoothly for you?
ehh i don't know about that.

Are promises important to you?

Are you a jealous person?
not really.

Are you in a good mood?
i sort of have a headache.

Have you ever dated someone more than once?

Has anyone ever called you a whore?
jokingly, semi-jokingly, and probably just a little bit behind my back.

Is the last person you kissed black?
he wishes.

Whats the last song you sang?
diva by beyonce. hahaha.

Think back to the last person you held hands with, would you kiss them?

Do you have feelings for someone?
honestly? yes. do i want to? no.

If someone said, "I don't talk shit about people," would you believe them?
i guess so.

Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 months from now?
i have no idea.

Are you afraid others will judge you from reading some of your answers?
nobody reads this except for erin. hahaha.

Is there someone who you instantly smile when you talk to them?

Do you have a Formspring?
yes. but i used it for like 10 seconds.

If you had a plane ticket to anywhere, where would you go?
anywhere, i imagine.

Where are you right now?
my bed.

Is anything bothering you?

Are you trying to avoid liking/loving somebody at the moment?
i'd say so.

Is there someone that you miss right now?
ugh yes. you asked this already.

When was the last time you wore jeans?
i don't remember.

When is the last time you saw number 2 on your top friends?
top friends? what is this, 2004?

Will you be up before 7am tomorrow?
god i hope not.

When you cry, do your eyes change colors?
they get bluer.

Does your middle name begin with a A, M, or S?
nuh uh.

Have you ever got a D or F on your report card?

What’s a word that rhymes with DOOR?

After breaking up, whats worse; knowing you still care about them or pretending you hate them?
how about knowing you still care about them but pretending everything is all right. that's worse.

Where is the one boy/girl you want to see the most right now?

How many piercings/..tattoos do you have?
1 in each ear.

If the last person you kissed arrived at your house at 3am what would you do?
shit would go down.

Have you made a mistake in the past week?

If you were paid 1 million dollars to spend the night in a supposed haunted mansion, would you?
oh my gosh i don't know.

Do you think you can last in a relationship for six months?

Do you think the last person you kissed is nice?
yes. unfortunately.

What's on your feet?

If you were getting married, who would be your best man?
erin smith.

Do you have someone of the opposite sex you can tell everything to?

If your ex said they hate you, you say:
you are such an idiot. like, really.

What are you supposed to be doing right now?

Can you play guitar hero?
yes i'm amazing.

Do you prefer warm or cold weather?

Where's the weirdest place you've slept?
on a plane.

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