Monday, September 22, 2008

but there's a light on in chicago

and i know i should be home.

hello. today i was in some weird happy funk that lasted for the first half of my day. it slowly subsided into a hormonally induced headache which is now making me as grumpy as an old man who can't find the box of andes candies. oh, the joy! this weekend, i watched several wonderful movies. i watched smart people with dennis quaid and ellen page. i heard it sucked, but i didn't think it completely sucked. it was kind of slow in parts, but it was well written. i also watched baby mama and can honestly say that movie didn't make me lol at all. it was all slapstick. i expected more from you, tina fey! i really loved her impression of sarah palin, though. hilarious. i want to grow up to become tina fey. well now i believe i may go watch miss pettigrew lives for a day, a humorous romp through the 1920's. sounds promising. i'll let you know.

i wanna rock and roll all night,

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