Friday, June 26, 2009

Thursday, June 25, 2009

dear everyone who gave me a graduation gift:

i really appreciate your gifts. really, i do. you're all very, very wonderful people and i respect you all. i am very grateful for your generosity. however, writing you all thank you notes nauseates me. writing a cliche 4 sentence letter 30 times in a row, quite frankly, makes me want to punch a cocker spaniel. but it seems that not writing them is a terrible crime against humanity (at least to my mother), and i must press on or risk having everyone's perception me mutilated into a irrecognizable pulp because they think i'm a little ingrate. ugh.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

procrastination at its absolute finest.


B - BIRTHDAY: september 6th.

C - CRUSHING ON: justin long. i just got finished watching he's just not that into you. "you're my exception" (i know the writers wrote that, but he's just so adorable)

D- DRINK YOU LAST HAD: diet pepsi.


F - FAVORITE SONG: when you were young by the killers will eternally be my favorite song.

G - GUMMY BEARS OR GUMMY WORMS: sour patch kids are the only thing close to gummies i'll eat.

H - HOMETOWN: baltimore.

I - IN LOVE WITH: music.

J - JUGGLE: i've tried. and i can't.

K - KILLED SOMEONE: well, now that you mention it...

L - LONGEST CAR RIDE: to breaking down.

M- MILKSHAKE FLAVOR: vanilla. but milkshakes are kind of nauseating in excess.


O - ONE WISH: a million more wishes.

P- PERSON YOU CALLED LAST: i can't remember. and my phone is so far away.

R- REASON TO SMILE: i've got nothing.

S - SONG YOU LAST HEARD: lady by regina spektor.

T - TIME YOU WOKE UP: like 9 i think.

U - UNDERWEAR COLOR: white. and yes, i had to check.

V - VEGETABLE(S): potatoes, zucchini, squash, broccoli, asparagus. pretty much everything, actually. i love me some veggies.

W - WORST HABIT: i lose my phone all the time.

X- X-RAYS YOU'VE HAD: like 3?

Y - YOYOS ARE: ma.

Z - ZODIAC SIGN: virgo.

Random Questions About You

Spell your name without vowels: lr.

Your favorite number(s): 6.

What color do you wear most?: black. or like navy blue. i like darker colors.

Least favorite color?: probably pink. i can't remember the last time i wore pink.

What are you listening to?: regina spektor on repeat.

Are you happy with your life right now?: honestly, not really. but i have hope that i will be soon.

What is your favorite class in school?: probably english. even though i probably thought differently of it when i was in it, but i feel like it really made an impact on me.

Who is your best friend?: erin.

When do you start back at school/college?: august 27th.

Favorite pair of shoes?: these really cheap bronze gladiator sandals from forever 21 that are falling apart, but i wear religiously.

Can you dance?: i suppose. depending on your definition. i can irish dance. but when it comes to the dancing that most people do my age nowadays, i'm definitely not the best. haha.

Can you tie a cherry stem with your mouth?: ew. cherry stems would get nowhere near my mouth. ever. i hate cherries and all that they stand for.

Can you whistle?: yes! i'm no andrew bird, but i'm all right i guess.

Write with both hands?: well, i probably could if i tried. but my left hand's writing would be really disgusting.

Cross your eyes?: no. i can sort of do it and it feels like they should be, but i can't. that doesn't make any sense.

Walk with your toes curled: yes. sometimes i do that when my shoes are falling off. haha.


Do you believe there is life on other planets?: i think there is.

Do you believe in miracles?: yes.

Do you believe in magic?: in a young girl's heart? no.

Do you believe in Satan?: sure. i believe he's sort of this tangible representation of all of the temptations and evils of the world.

Do you believe in Santa?: i wish.

Do you know how to swim?: yes. i love swimming.

Do you like roller coasters?: yes.

Do you think you could handle the stuff they eat on those reality shows?: actually, i probably could. just as long as by reality shows, you mean anthony bourdain's show. i'd probably eat most of it. just as long as it wasn't a plate of cherries or cake, i'd be fine.

Have you ever been on a plane?: yes.

Have you ever asked someone out?: no.

Have you ever been asked out by someone?: yes.

Have you ever been to the ocean?: yes. on numerous occasions.

Have you ever painted your nails?: yes.


What is the temperature outside?: it's quite warm.

What radio station do you listen to?: 106.5, 101.1, 107.3, 103.1, 97.9

What was the last restaurant you ate at?: noodles and company.

What was the last thing you bought?: a bucket of balls. for the driving range haha.

What was the last thing on TV you watched?: wimbledon.


Who was the last person you IM'd?: mary last evening.

Who was the last person you took a picture of: random family members.

Who was the last person you said I love you to?: my mudda.


Ever really cried your heart out?: eh maybe. not my whole heart out. but most of it.

Ever cried yourself to sleep?: yes.

Ever cried on your friend's shoulder?: i don't think so.

Ever cried over the opposite sex?: i actually don't think so. surprisingly. ha.

Do you cry when you get an injury?: no.

Do certain songs make you cry?: only a few.


Are you a happy person?: i can be.

What can make you happy?: stuff.

Do you wish you were happier?: sure.

Can music make you happy?: it definitely can. and it does.


How many times have you had your heart broken?: i don't think i have.

Have you ever loved someone so much that you'd die for them?: yes.


What is your current hair color?: the darkest of browns.

What does your hair look like now?: it's a mess.

Current piercings?: 2 in each ear. but the second holes are growing back.

Eye color?: bluish green.


What shirt are you wearing?: a white tshirt.

Pants: purple pajama bottoms.

Shoes?: none.

Necklaces?: none.


Favorite eye color: i don't care.

Short or long hair: whatever looks good?

Best clothing: something that fits his personality.


Been to jail: like 20 times. of course not.

Mooned someone: no.

Ran away from home: i tried to when i was little. i'd get to the end of my street and then turn around.

Thought about suicide: no.

Lauged so hard you cried: i do that all the time.

Cried in school: not like crying crying. but i've shed a tear.

Thrown up in a store: yes. chuck e cheese. oh goodness.

Wanted to be a model: hell no.

Done something really stupid that you still laugh about: all the time.

Seen a dead body: yes.

Gone skinny dipping: no.


Pepsi or Coke: diet pepsi.

McDonald's or Burger King: mcdonald's. but only for their snack wraps and chicken mcnuggets.

Single or Group Dates?: single.

Chocolate or Vanilla: it depends on what it's in.

Strawberries or Blueberries: strawberries.

Meat or Veggies: veggies.

TV or Movie: movies if i get a choice. but travel channel is pretty much my favorite thing on tv.

Guitar or Drums: well i play guitar. but drums look really fun too.

Adidas or Nike: adidas.

Chinese or Mexican: mexican.

Cheerios or Corn Flakes: honey nut cheerios.

Cake or Pie: pie. i hate cake.

MTV or VH1: VH1 if i'm in a hasbeen watching mood, MTV if i want to watch some fake dating shows or rich teenaged brats show me their houses.

Sunday, June 21, 2009


my nose is too big, my boobs are too small, my face is too wide.
i'm too tall and proportioned awkwardly.
i squint when i smile and make weird faces without knowing i'm making them.
i eat too much and drink too little.
my hair is limp.
i'm just not cute.

at least i'm funny.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

songs i have stuck in my head right now (will probably change in an hour):

musical ADD.

i enjoy

zachary quinto. and his acting. and his eyebrows. and his intelligence. and just him in general, to be perfectly honest. he's adorable.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


i am the most emotional i have been about graduating right at this particular moment. the ceremony was pomp and circumstance and the graduation parties were as well. but right now, as i sit in my pajamas in my computer room typing this, i feel it.

disney world is over, and now college looms over the horizon with an unwavering air of persistence and urgency. no more talk of castles and princesses to divert my gaze from my imminent new life back to a simpler time. although my words are sometimes cliche, i mean them most of the time. looking upon that twinkling, iconic castle as i walked away from it in the magic kingdom two nights ago, i felt the already loosened tethers of my childhood finally snap into pieces. i saw the little kids around me with their parents and realized i wasn't among them anymore. everything was about to change.

and now, as i sit here wondering what the future will hold, i'm scared of leaving behind my way of life. and i'm sad that this will mean that some of the relationships i have will inevitably suffer as things change.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

target: a love story

it's no secret that i'm in love with target. (well, maybe it is..) but anyhow, i love target so very, very much. i go to target for everything. clothes, books, dvds...anything.  it is like my mother ship and it calls to me. their clothes are so fresh and young. don't even get me started about their shoes and scarves. simply fantastic in every way. i could spend all day in target with my caramel machiatto/iced tea from starbucks just looking at everything. i don't even need to buy anything. just being in there makes me extremely happy. ugh. delightful. 

just so you know, i'm about to go to target. so that's the reason i felt compelled to write this. lame.