Wednesday, June 24, 2009

procrastination at its absolute finest.


B - BIRTHDAY: september 6th.

C - CRUSHING ON: justin long. i just got finished watching he's just not that into you. "you're my exception" (i know the writers wrote that, but he's just so adorable)

D- DRINK YOU LAST HAD: diet pepsi.


F - FAVORITE SONG: when you were young by the killers will eternally be my favorite song.

G - GUMMY BEARS OR GUMMY WORMS: sour patch kids are the only thing close to gummies i'll eat.

H - HOMETOWN: baltimore.

I - IN LOVE WITH: music.

J - JUGGLE: i've tried. and i can't.

K - KILLED SOMEONE: well, now that you mention it...

L - LONGEST CAR RIDE: to breaking down.

M- MILKSHAKE FLAVOR: vanilla. but milkshakes are kind of nauseating in excess.


O - ONE WISH: a million more wishes.

P- PERSON YOU CALLED LAST: i can't remember. and my phone is so far away.

R- REASON TO SMILE: i've got nothing.

S - SONG YOU LAST HEARD: lady by regina spektor.

T - TIME YOU WOKE UP: like 9 i think.

U - UNDERWEAR COLOR: white. and yes, i had to check.

V - VEGETABLE(S): potatoes, zucchini, squash, broccoli, asparagus. pretty much everything, actually. i love me some veggies.

W - WORST HABIT: i lose my phone all the time.

X- X-RAYS YOU'VE HAD: like 3?

Y - YOYOS ARE: ma.

Z - ZODIAC SIGN: virgo.

Random Questions About You

Spell your name without vowels: lr.

Your favorite number(s): 6.

What color do you wear most?: black. or like navy blue. i like darker colors.

Least favorite color?: probably pink. i can't remember the last time i wore pink.

What are you listening to?: regina spektor on repeat.

Are you happy with your life right now?: honestly, not really. but i have hope that i will be soon.

What is your favorite class in school?: probably english. even though i probably thought differently of it when i was in it, but i feel like it really made an impact on me.

Who is your best friend?: erin.

When do you start back at school/college?: august 27th.

Favorite pair of shoes?: these really cheap bronze gladiator sandals from forever 21 that are falling apart, but i wear religiously.

Can you dance?: i suppose. depending on your definition. i can irish dance. but when it comes to the dancing that most people do my age nowadays, i'm definitely not the best. haha.

Can you tie a cherry stem with your mouth?: ew. cherry stems would get nowhere near my mouth. ever. i hate cherries and all that they stand for.

Can you whistle?: yes! i'm no andrew bird, but i'm all right i guess.

Write with both hands?: well, i probably could if i tried. but my left hand's writing would be really disgusting.

Cross your eyes?: no. i can sort of do it and it feels like they should be, but i can't. that doesn't make any sense.

Walk with your toes curled: yes. sometimes i do that when my shoes are falling off. haha.


Do you believe there is life on other planets?: i think there is.

Do you believe in miracles?: yes.

Do you believe in magic?: in a young girl's heart? no.

Do you believe in Satan?: sure. i believe he's sort of this tangible representation of all of the temptations and evils of the world.

Do you believe in Santa?: i wish.

Do you know how to swim?: yes. i love swimming.

Do you like roller coasters?: yes.

Do you think you could handle the stuff they eat on those reality shows?: actually, i probably could. just as long as by reality shows, you mean anthony bourdain's show. i'd probably eat most of it. just as long as it wasn't a plate of cherries or cake, i'd be fine.

Have you ever been on a plane?: yes.

Have you ever asked someone out?: no.

Have you ever been asked out by someone?: yes.

Have you ever been to the ocean?: yes. on numerous occasions.

Have you ever painted your nails?: yes.


What is the temperature outside?: it's quite warm.

What radio station do you listen to?: 106.5, 101.1, 107.3, 103.1, 97.9

What was the last restaurant you ate at?: noodles and company.

What was the last thing you bought?: a bucket of balls. for the driving range haha.

What was the last thing on TV you watched?: wimbledon.


Who was the last person you IM'd?: mary last evening.

Who was the last person you took a picture of: random family members.

Who was the last person you said I love you to?: my mudda.


Ever really cried your heart out?: eh maybe. not my whole heart out. but most of it.

Ever cried yourself to sleep?: yes.

Ever cried on your friend's shoulder?: i don't think so.

Ever cried over the opposite sex?: i actually don't think so. surprisingly. ha.

Do you cry when you get an injury?: no.

Do certain songs make you cry?: only a few.


Are you a happy person?: i can be.

What can make you happy?: stuff.

Do you wish you were happier?: sure.

Can music make you happy?: it definitely can. and it does.


How many times have you had your heart broken?: i don't think i have.

Have you ever loved someone so much that you'd die for them?: yes.


What is your current hair color?: the darkest of browns.

What does your hair look like now?: it's a mess.

Current piercings?: 2 in each ear. but the second holes are growing back.

Eye color?: bluish green.


What shirt are you wearing?: a white tshirt.

Pants: purple pajama bottoms.

Shoes?: none.

Necklaces?: none.


Favorite eye color: i don't care.

Short or long hair: whatever looks good?

Best clothing: something that fits his personality.


Been to jail: like 20 times. of course not.

Mooned someone: no.

Ran away from home: i tried to when i was little. i'd get to the end of my street and then turn around.

Thought about suicide: no.

Lauged so hard you cried: i do that all the time.

Cried in school: not like crying crying. but i've shed a tear.

Thrown up in a store: yes. chuck e cheese. oh goodness.

Wanted to be a model: hell no.

Done something really stupid that you still laugh about: all the time.

Seen a dead body: yes.

Gone skinny dipping: no.


Pepsi or Coke: diet pepsi.

McDonald's or Burger King: mcdonald's. but only for their snack wraps and chicken mcnuggets.

Single or Group Dates?: single.

Chocolate or Vanilla: it depends on what it's in.

Strawberries or Blueberries: strawberries.

Meat or Veggies: veggies.

TV or Movie: movies if i get a choice. but travel channel is pretty much my favorite thing on tv.

Guitar or Drums: well i play guitar. but drums look really fun too.

Adidas or Nike: adidas.

Chinese or Mexican: mexican.

Cheerios or Corn Flakes: honey nut cheerios.

Cake or Pie: pie. i hate cake.

MTV or VH1: VH1 if i'm in a hasbeen watching mood, MTV if i want to watch some fake dating shows or rich teenaged brats show me their houses.

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